Why I am a boudoir photographer
First off, my name is Vicky Shearin and I am a boudoir photographer in Canton, Texas. And this is why I am a boudoir photographer. I feel like it chose me, instead of what I chose.
I saw my first boudoir session and knew right away I wanted to shoot boudoir. Why? Well there were 2 reasons. First, it allows me to be creative and caters to my artsy side. The beautiful wardrobe, the sexy hair, the connection through the eyes, the posing to get the best curves of the body and the lighting is so much fun to work with. Natural and dramatic all in the same day, oh la la make my heart sing!
The second reason was very personal. For my entire life my weight has flucated. I struggled with self love & had terrible body image issues. As I got older I realized I was not that special, because most females have body image issues. As a woman we tend to be our own worse enemy. No matter how good we look we can all pick out a flaw in a split second. With boudoir it is like a body image transformation. I show woman that no matter the flaws we all got it going on, sometimes it just takes a little work to showcase it.
When I turn my camera around for a client to see themselves beautiful & sexy for the first time, sometimes ever and I see a smile and tears gathering in their eyes I get a warm cozy feeling & think wow I did that. I made her see what I see through my lens in her very best light. It is really amazing and has changed me as well as changing them. So many clients thank me so much for showing them they are beautiful. Moms who think they have a dreaded mom body, a single mother who can not understand why he left, the full figured client and the middle aged client who just wants to feel some fire again all leave with the same glowing “I am so glad I did this” attitude. It is very gratifying to me as the photographer to envoke those kind of feelings by having a passion for boudoir photograph.y
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